Fund Raising

e73176_3fb770e3b9ff4fb2b89cd62ce740bef3~mv2New Fund Raising

Kin Support for Wellspring Move to Expanded Facility

Lisa Stacey the manager of Wellspring Stratford was excited to announce its move into a slightly larger space within the same building, made possible through generous support from the Kinsmen Club of Stratford. Lisa had on hand many of her volunteers to accept the donation from Kin Doug Young and Kin Trevor Exner.

“This new facility will allow us to better serve individuals and families affected by cancer across Huron, Perth and Oxford counties by expanding our capacity for in-person programs and enhancing client confidentiality and comfort.” Lisa stated.

Wellspring Stratford Cancer Support Centre, located at 55 Lorne St, offers programs and services ranging from Educational, Emotional Wellness, Chronic and Oasis to family programs at no charge for those experiencing cancers, caregivers and loved ones. These programs and services offered by Wellspring are funded solely through the generosity of individuals, foundation and organizations in the community.

The additional space will facilitate popular offerings such as an in-person mat yoga classes, art therapy and support groups, creating a more engaging experience. Our new boardroom allows confidential meetings to occur on-site, eliminating the need for rented meeting spaces.  A larger reiki room and second office provide a quieter, more private environment, enhancing the support and wellness experiences for our clients.

For over 18 years, Wellspring Stratford has been dedicated to serving the community, offering essential programs, including wellness workshops, caregiver support, and self-healing techniques, delivered both in person and online. The Kinsmen’s support helps us continue this mission with even greater impact.

 Kin Canada, “Only In Canada EH!” is Canada’s largest all-Canadian service organization, made up of Canadian men and women who gather together in clubs to volunteer their time for the purposes of bettering their communities by performing ‘hands-on’ service work, raising funds for important community projects and having fun.

Chartered in 1945, the Kinsmen Club of Stratford was one of the most recognized service clubs in the city and at one time had over 75 active members.

Major fund-raising and service projects over the past 65 plus years have included Arena Booth, Canada Day and Santa Claus parades, Canada Day fireworks, Stratford Blues and Ribfest, high school bursaries and Cystic Fibrosis to name a few.

Most recently the Kinsmen have made financial donations to the Avondale United Church Food Shelf, Stratford Hospital Foundation, Wellspring for Cancer, Rotary Aquabox, Connections Centre, Stratford Public Library Food Cart Programme and gym equipment for a new outdoor facility by the skate park.

Outdoor gym now open at Shakespeare Park

Kids and adults in Stratford now have another option for getting their exercise after the urban gym opened on Tuesday at Shakespeare Park.

Operators of the concession booth inside the

historic William Allman Arena since 1968

Home of the Stratford Warriors.

5 Morenz Drive  Stratford, On

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